t is 人 who 谓语 It is 物 that 谓语 用此句式写排比句 1.健康 2.知识,书籍 3.友情,朋友

It is books that offer us knowledge(and make us more wisdom). It is friends who give us friendship.( It is friends who share sorrows and happiness with us.)It is health that enables us to experience all those above! 翻译:是书籍为我们提供知识并使我们更具有智慧.是朋友给予了我们友情和我们患难与共.是健康让我们拥有了上述的一切!括号中的是我根据题意加的,你酌情使用,还有什么问题欢迎继续提问哦~~O(∩_∩)O~~
