it means you should be quiet的意思
推荐 05-01 08:39
news novel第二个对了,谢谢你!...
推荐 05-01 08:38
can和could都是情态动词 选C.watch一般是观看,看电视什么的,或是注视,看守,look就是一般的看... 向...加......
Are you our/ mynew music teacher?...
推荐 05-01 08:37
A is an important part of B....
推荐 04-30 22:43
Is he tall? Yes,he is. No,he isn't. 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可....
推荐 04-30 22:42
读“wiz”是典型的错误 应该是舌头伸出来...
推荐 04-30 22:41
forty eight 应该写作:forty-eight 个位数和十位数之间要加连字符....
innovation: 1.something new or different introduced. 2.the act of innovating; introduction of new things or methods. 这个词的定义在几乎所有英文词典里都可以找到,具体用词可能有些微差异....
推荐 04-30 22:40