A police car at rest,passed by a speeder travelling at a constant 96 km h-1,takes off in hot pursuit
96 km h-1=80/3 m·s-1
t=750/(80/3)=28.125 s
答案:B 翻译:外面下着大雨,孩子们不得不待在教室里. 解析:make (made) 在此表示:使,让.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事,其被动语态是:Sb be made to do sth.变为被动语态时要...
一辆警车静止不动,一辆以96 km h-1匀速运动的快车经过,警车立即追赶.加速度不变经过了750 m后追上了快速行驶的车辆. 计算警车追上这辆车所需时间(s). 96 km h-1=80/3 m...
这里有一个例句不知能否帮到你Curve A might represent the frequency distribution of the number of days'supply on hand in the perishable grocery business.曲线A可用以刻画食品商人手中易霉货物储...
move on 继续前进,更换工作(话题等),离开例句:Shall we move on to dessert?咱们上甜食好吗?The captain and his group moved on,but the story of the little boy spread quickly.上尉和他的小队继续前...
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