关于Please describe one of your habits 英语演讲作文阿,大概演讲2分钟这样,求助各位大神,急求阿谢谢了.

My habbit could be said as easy and hard.That is because it is ordinary,but I can make it so fun and it makes me so jubilant every time I do it.This habbit you might have to do every day in your life,but I do it for a daily schedule and for my entertainment.Now let me tell you what it is,this ordinary habbit is cooking.I enjoy cooking more than most people,because I could taste my very own work,every single bit done by me.I always explore new things,like wrapping fried egg around toast.I risk a lot too,since I never knew what it would turn out to be like.Sometimes I let my friends and family members try it,so that I could improve and do better next time.
Cooking might only be an ordinary thing,but really,I enjoy it most!
