The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.此句中,of Shepenmut 作什么成分?

The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.有的语法书上是这么来理解的:The mummy is that of Shepenmut.我们这里先把后面的定语从句忽略不看.单独的分析上面这个句子.主语:The mummy 谓语:is 表语:that of Shepenmut 这里的that 用来指代前面的the mummy,把句子恢复一下就是:The mummy is the mummy of Shepenmut.这样一来句子比较繁琐,所以在习惯上用that 代替后面的the mummy.就变成了that of Shepenmut.这里的of 是不能省略的,that 也不能省略的,都是句子的必要成分,这是一个很特殊的句型,需要记住.
The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.本句的that 也有的语法书上说成是引导名词性从句,在整个句子里来做表语.主语:The mummy 谓语:is 表语从句:that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.而这个表语从句中又套了一个定语从句,就是who 引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的Shepenmut.定语从句:who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.这里的Shepenmut 是个女性,所以不能用he,him 来代替,我们不可以这样来替代.本句Shepenmut能用 her 来代替.但是无论怎样改变都不如书上的最地道.
